Friday, 4 June 2010

Entrepreneurial adventures

My scrape with the law!!!!

A few months ago, I was a little restless- wanted to do something different, something I could really get my teeth into, a new venture.....

Writing a book accomplished, charity work was ongoing long term project, pharmacy, dispensing, post offices, were full of boring issues and problems, I did have my hands full with looking after teenage boys, but I needed to get my pulse racing again, I just had to invite more stress! A normal person would have perfected the aforementioned skills before moving onto another nail biting adventure, but not me! Properties in a recession sounded like the perfect solution!

Geared with little knowledge, I plunged straight into acquiring a rundown property, in LIVERPOOL!! A little far, I hear you say, but it is supposed to be an up and coming city was my rushed research result! Or it may have been a sheer case of failing Geography at school! Of course when the penny finally dropped about the distance, I hired a company to carry out the works and rent it out for me. All running smoothly, millionaire row, here I come, the dreams multiplied in my pea brain- driving around in a Bentley, travelling the world....

Wow, beginners luck, property rented, albeit with a 2 month rent free period but I am an optimist, this was just the beginning, this time next year I would be making a bid for Marks!!

Why is it that when you have such blissful thoughts, the phone rings incessantly?

'yes can I help you' I answered irritably.
'Mrs Modi?' asked the caller
'Who wants to know?'

Attention, I spring up, thoughts running wildly. I didn't remember killing anyone, kids and hubby safe and sound, all it could possibly be would be an overdose of shairis or an overdue parking fine! I calmed down and asked what they wanted.

Lets just say the outcome of the conversation has left me running around like a headless chicken! Like a good citizen, I told the police it was commendable that the young tenants had started a beans factory which would provide employment for a very rundown area. Needless to say, I had not known about this, otherwise I would have asked them to get planning permission, but we should always look at the spirit of the youngsters. The kids have a tough enough life without being bogged down with the soap box went into overdrive! I was not going to be bullied by any jumped up 'allo allo' officer into planning issues again! The last six months have given me enough nightmares about planning laws and I refused to be sucked into it again!

Well, I narrowly escaped prison! Not because of verbal abuse, but because of acting like an accomplice.

Its not my fault that I did not understand the young sergeants accent- he had said cannabis factory, not a can of beans factory!!!!

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